What causes gout?

July 28, 2024

End Of GOUT Program™ By Shelly Manning The End of Gout Program is an intensive lifestyle guide and diet therapy to treat gout. It aids in minimizing and treating the uncomfortable and painful signs of gout naturally and safely. It will teach the impacted everything regarding the condition. This natural program eliminates triggers and factors that give rise to symptoms. The recommendations are honest, effective, safe, and science-based. The program treats you inside out with gout by attacking the cause. By just signing in, you get to access all the valuable information and make your life gout-free. The program has a 60-day money-back too for risk-free use. Several users have expressed their 100 percent satisfaction and results. Give it a try, and you are sure to be surprised by the fantastic results.

What causes gout?

Gout is caused by the accumulation of uric acid in the body, leading to the formation of sharp, needle-like crystals in the joints, which cause inflammation, pain, and swelling. The condition is primarily driven by hyperuricemia, a state of elevated uric acid levels in the blood. Here are the main factors contributing to the development of gout:

**1. **Uric Acid Production and Excretion


  • Gout occurs when there is an excess of uric acid in the blood. This can happen due to either increased production or decreased excretion of uric acid. The solubility of uric acid in blood is limited; when levels exceed this threshold, uric acid can crystallize and deposit in the joints, triggering inflammation【source】.

Dietary Sources of Purines:

  • Purines are natural substances found in certain foods. When purines are metabolized, uric acid is produced as a byproduct. High-purine foods, such as red meat, organ meats, seafood, and certain alcoholic beverages (especially beer), can lead to elevated uric acid levels【source】【source】.

**2. **Genetic Factors

Genetic Predisposition:

  • Genetics play a significant role in gout. Certain genes affect how efficiently the body processes and eliminates uric acid. Mutations in genes like SLC2A9 and ABCG2 have been associated with altered uric acid transport and increased risk of hyperuricemia and gout【source】【source】.

**3. **Medical Conditions

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD):

  • CKD can impair the kidneys’ ability to filter and excrete uric acid, leading to its buildup in the body. This is a significant risk factor for the development of gout【source】.

Metabolic Syndrome:

  • Metabolic syndrome, which includes conditions like obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia, increases the risk of hyperuricemia and gout. Each component of metabolic syndrome can contribute to the increased production or decreased excretion of uric acid【source】【source】.

**4. **Medications

Certain Drugs:

  • Medications such as diuretics, low-dose aspirin, and immunosuppressants can increase uric acid levels by reducing its excretion or increasing its production. This drug-induced hyperuricemia can precipitate gout attacks【source】【source】.

**5. **Dietary and Lifestyle Factors

Alcohol Consumption:

  • Alcohol, particularly beer and spirits, is rich in purines and can increase uric acid levels. Alcohol also promotes uric acid production and reduces its excretion by the kidneys【source】【source】.

Obesity and Sedentary Lifestyle:

  • Obesity is associated with increased production of uric acid, while a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to the development of metabolic syndrome, further raising the risk of gout【source】【source】.

**6. Dehydration

Fluid Balance:

  • Dehydration can concentrate uric acid in the blood, increasing the likelihood of crystal formation in the joints. Adequate hydration is important for preventing gout attacks【source】.


Gout is a complex condition influenced by a combination of dietary, genetic, medical, and lifestyle factors. The primary cause is hyperuricemia, resulting from either increased production or decreased excretion of uric acid. Managing these factors through dietary changes, medication, and lifestyle modifications can help prevent and control gout

End Of GOUT Program™ By Shelly Manning The End of Gout Program is an intensive lifestyle guide and diet therapy to treat gout. It aids in minimizing and treating the uncomfortable and painful signs of gout naturally and safely. It will teach the impacted everything regarding the condition. This natural program eliminates triggers and factors that give rise to symptoms. The recommendations are honest, effective, safe, and science-based. The program treats you inside out with gout by attacking the cause. By just signing in, you get to access all the valuable information and make your life gout-free. The program has a 60-day money-back too for risk-free use. Several users have expressed their 100 percent satisfaction and results. Give it a try, and you are sure to be surprised by the fantastic results.